Povratak na početnu stranicu...

Unesite riječ za prevod:

Engleski jezik Naš jezik
hit lupiti
hit nabiti
hit natući
hit slučaj
hit udar
hit udariti
architect arhitekta
architect graditelj
architect građevinar
architect tvorac
architect začetnik
architectural arhitektonski
architectural prostorni
architecture arhitektura
architecture gradjevinarstvo
architecture građevinarstvo
architecture izgradnja
black-and-white crno-bijeli
bronchitis bronhitis
bronchitis plućni katar
chit detence
chit djetence
chit dostava
chit karakteristika
chit chat brbljanje
chit chat spletke
chit-chat brbljanje
chit-chat spletke
direct hit direktan pogodak
egg-white bjelance
egg-white bjelančevina
graphite grafit
hit a mine nagaziti na minu
hit and run odbjegao
hitch trzaj
hitch hike autostopirati
hitch-hike autostopirati
hitchhike putovati autostopom
hitchhiking autostop
hither amo
hither naovamo
hither ovamo
hither ovdašnji
hitherto dosad
hitherto dovde
hitherto dovdje
naval architect inžinjer brodogradnj
print in black and white odštampaj u crno bij
shit govno
snow white bijel kao snijeg
snow-white beo kao sneg
sulphite sulfit
thither ovamo
thither ovde
thither ovdje
thither tu
tombac-white novo srebro
whhitesmith kalajdžija
whhitesmith limar
whit mrvica
whit trunčica
white beliti
white beo
white bijel
white bijeliti
white bijelo
white bjelina
white sed
white sijed
white annealing svijetlo žarenje
white arsenic arsenska kiselina
white hot bijelo usijan
white lead olovno njelilo
white livered malodušan
white-heat bijelo usijanje
white-hot belo usijan
whitehouse bijela kuća
whiten beliti
whiten bijeliti
whiten krečiti
whitewash bijelenje
whitewash bijeliti
whitewash kreč
whitewash krečiti
whitewash krečna voda
whitewash obijeliti
whitewash okrečiti
whitewash pokrečiti
whither gde
whither gdje
whither kuda
whiting pišmolj (riba)
whitsun duhovi
whittle strugati
zero shit pomjeranje nulte tač

Naš jezik Engleski jezik
arhitekta architect
arhitektonski architectural
arhitektura architecture
bronhitis bronchitis
hitac blow
hitac shot
hitac shy
hitac sling
hitac snapshot
hitan express
hitan pressing
hitan speedy
hitan urgent
hitan poziv urgent call
hitan sastanak emergency session
hitar adroit
hitar agile
hitar alert
hitar dapper
hitar quick
hitar rapid
hitar rash
hitar ready
hitar slippy
hitar speedy
hitar spry
hitati push
hitna poruka express
hitnost urgency
hitnuti dash
hitnuti put
hitnuti sling
hitnuti toss
hitrina agility
hitrina alacrity
hitrina sleight
hitro quickly
preduhitriti advance
preduhitriti forestall
preduhitriti prevent
rahitičan rickety
rahitis rickets
rahitis rickets
ushititi elate
ushititi ravish
ushititi thrill

U bazi imamo i naredne slične riječi:
| bit | rit | hir | kit | chit | nit | fit | hrt | hat | hid | hilt | him | hint | hip | his | hot | hut | it | lit | mit | pit | shit | sit | tit | whit | wit |

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