Povratak na početnu stranicu...

Unesite riječ za prevod:

Engleski jezik Naš jezik
teach naučiti
teach obučiti
teach poučavati
teach predavati
teach učiti nekoga
kindergarten teacher odgojitelj
teachable poučljiv
teacher nastavnik
teacher učitelj
teacher of the disabled defektolog
teacher training college pedagoška akademija
teacher training college pedagoški fakultet
teaching nastava
teaching obuka
teaching fellow asistent
teaching staff nastavničko osoblje

Naš jezik Engleski jezik
p.pr. od teach taught
past od teach taught

U bazi imamo i naredne slične riječi:
| attach | beach | beech | belch | bench | bleach | breach | coach | death | detach | each | etch | fetch | heath | leash | leech | mach | peace | peach | perch | preach | reach | react | reash | retch | roach | search | stench | tack | tact | tea | teacher | teacup | team | tear | tease | teat | techy | teeth | tenth | tetchy | thatch | torch | touch | trace | trach | track | tract | trash | trench |

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